NUNAMES.NU TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION AGREEMENT By completing and submitting this Registration Agreement for consideration and acceptance by WorldNames Inc., NuNames.NU, the Registrant agrees that he/she has read and agrees to be bound by the .NU Terms and Conditions of Registration found at: Note that Section 2a, Personal Identity Number or Corporate Identity Number, is required for all Swedish Registrants, Action Requested 1. Domain Name to be Registered [include .NU].......................: Is new Registrant an Individual(I) or a Corporation(C)? Individual or Corporation (I/C)........: Please fill out either the Individual(I) or Corporate(C) Section 2 below as it applies to the new Registrant 2. Registrant Name/Organization Name Using Domain Name If Registrant is an Individual (I) 2a. Registrant Name:....................: 2b. Personal Identity Number............: --- OR --- If Registrant is a Corporation (C) 2a. Registrant Corporation/Company Name.: 2b. Corporate ID Number:................: 2c. Individual Contact/Agent Name:......: For all Registrant types: 3b. Street Address......................: 3b. Street Address Line 2 [optional]....: 3c. City................................: 3d. State/Province......................: 3f. Postal Code.........................: 3e. Country Code (2 letter).............: 3f. Domain Holder [Registrant] Email Address.......................: 3g. Voice Phone [International Format includes country code prefix].......: 3h. Fax Phone [optional] [International Format includes country code prefix]: 4a. Primary Server Hostname.............: 4b. Secondary Server Hostname...........: Please return this completed form via email to - EOF -